Place type
Downtowns (directly related)
Metuchen, New Jersey
5.7 acres.
105 stacked flats.
Landmark Communities & Atlantic Realty
This project creates a pedestrian-oriented edge that is in keeping with the character of this small downtown. The entrances to the stacked townhouses are from the sidewalk. Along the side streets the project makes a transition in scale from the attached townhouses to the single family residences along the rest of the block. A significant aspect of this project, is that the relatively high densities are possible because of the way the parking is managed. On-street parking counts towards the total obligation. In addition, the parking on the interior of the block is organized around a series of small courts and linear “green” that creates more on-street parallel parking. Finally, where two spaces are shared by a single unit, they are stacked end-to-end.